Blackmail Update (READ!!)
I’ve had a LOT of applications lately for some level of blackmail and control, so I wanted to make a quick post to address a big issue that often comes along with these requests. That is the issue of CONSENT and YOUR obligations to me as part of our relationship.
It seems that most sub males see consensual blackmail as just an easy way to get their jollies off while confessing that they secretly love to suck “insert disgusting whatever here” behind their wife’s back. Well, if you are applying to ME, then it isn’t going to be that easy for you. I enjoy taking control from you and I have certain expectations that need to be met.
First, you WILL be paying the fee for the contract that you WILL be signing, giving your consent to me. No contract, no Mistress Bella. Too often the fee will be paid, but then the sub gets cold feet when they receive the actual contract because “shit gets real” and they can’t handle it. This isn’t a cute game where you confess to me and I call you a naughty boy. I will challenge you mentally and physically to the point where you question your own choices in life.
If you reach your limit I do offer a way out, but it will cost you dearly, so be prepared. DO NOT APPLY if you are just looking for a confessional. Go to a priest or therapist for that. However, if you are looking to have your mind & wallet DRAINED, then perhaps filling out THIS APPLICATION FORM is just what you need. But keep in mind this isn’t about YOUR needs; it’s about MY wants…understood?
Oh, and one last thing…if you apply, I will want to know about you. I enjoy gathering information and getting to know you on a deeper psychological level, so don’t expect to just pay and say “ok, blackmail me!”. It can take awhile to get to that level, as I want to KNOW you first, so I will take it slow and build on our relationship, taking more control as we move forward, until my influence on your life will seem as natural as waking up every day.
If all this is not for you, then RUN AWAY while you still have a choice…
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